Volunteer Training
There is lots of free training available for volunteers, provided by local organisations working together as the volunteer network. Below you will see a range of available training.
See what training courses are scheduled for the near future, and to book. Via the Wellbeing Courses Website
If you, your organisation or group has a specific training or need for your volunteers please contact us Tel 07825115775 Email: ralph.lillywhite@mungos.org
For an overview of the training available:
Mental Health Carers course
Boundaries Training
Safeguarding Adults & Children
Conflict Management
Connect 5
Everyday First Aid Skills
Facilitator Training
Introduction to Trainer Skills
Lone Working
Make Every Contact Count (MECC)
Peer Mentor Training
Respecting Difference
Create Your Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)
Suicide Awareness
Recruitment Panel Training for Clients/Involvees